Research Group on Quantum Chemistry
Applied to Biological Systems
Gerd Bruno Rocha
DQ - CCEN - UFPB - Brazil

the Group Webpage of Gerd Rocha
We are a Theoretical Quantum Chemistry Group in the Department of Chemistry at UFPB.
Our researches focus on the development of new quantum chemistry methods, high-performance computing in chemistry, programming new softwares for chemistry, and molecular modeling of organic, inorganic and biological systems.
More information can be found through the links in the upper menu.
[Please note that this website is still under construction, our apologies for any inconvenience]

Prof. Gerd Bruno Rocha
ResearchID: G-5115-2010
SCOPUS-ID: 7102518082
Google-Scholar: Gerd Bruno Rocha
ORCID: 0000-0001-9805-9497
Departamento de Química
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
​João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
Caixa Postal: 5093 - CEP: 58051-970
Tel: +55-83-3216-7590
​Fax: +55-83-3216-7437
ago 23 2021
PRIMoRDiA (PRIMoRDiA Macromolecular Reactivity Descriptors Access) is a shared-memory parallel software written in C++ with functions for parsing the output of many traditional quantum chemical programs, store and manipulate molecular information, generate and write files with scalar fields containing electron density, molecular orbitals and many variations of reactivity descriptors.​
Hybrid NAMD QM/MM interface extends existing NAMD features to the quantum mechanical level, presenting features that are not yet available in any QM/MM implementation.
MOPAC2016 program has been modified to use Nvidia's GPU accelerator. All technical details of these modifications, as well as some results, benchmarks and an application in biomolecules, can be found in our publication and in the Nvidia's home page.
23 ago
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